The Vermont Cattlemen are a different breed. We’re at the barn and in the pasture before most rise for their morning cup of Joe. Because in Vermont, we know the difference between good and great—especially when it comes to food. Some call it the Vermont Way. For us, it's about doing it right and doing the right thing—taking the time and extra effort to make something truly exceptional.

Our American Wagyu beef is 100% bred, fed, and raised right in the heart of Vermont. There's nothing like it. And it’s one of the best ways to support local farmers and our working landscape. Our beef delivers next-level flavor while keeping Vermont Farmers on their land. Because for us, doing it right is a difference you can taste.

Vermont Cattlemen Retail Beef

  • 50% Wagyu genetics, sires carefully selected for peak marbling performance.

  • Pure Wagyu cattle, excellent animal husbandry & feed protocols combined with elite genetics for unmatched flavor.

  • -Whole & Side

    -Delivered in boxed subprimals, cryovacuum & sealed

    -3 week turn around

    -Includes grind or bagged trim option

    -Initial deposit due at time of order, final price based on hot hanging weight

For more details and pricing, get connected with a sales representative today: